Apply for Alcoholic Beverage License: Intake Form

Please submit the following information via this online form, which is encrypted with SSL to help ensure the data you enter is secure.
  • Business Information

  • Please include the full legal business name including punctuation and the entity suffix (LLC, Inc., etc.)
  • The name the business goes by other than its legal name, if applicable.
  • Federal tax ID number.
  • First Owner Information

    Note: Sometimes the person completing this form is not one of the business owners. If that is the case, please enter information about the first owner below and keep your contact information above.
    If one of the owners IS submitting this form, please re-enter below your name, email, phone, and address fields which you also entered at the top of this form.
  • If applicable.
  • The Kentucky Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control requires each owner's social security number to be listed on the licensing application. We will keep all your information strictly confidential.
  • If you have lived in multiple states or countries, please list all including the months and years of residence.
    Example: Indiana (01/2012-06/2014); Kentucky (07/2014-present).
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
  • Have you been convicted of any felony in the past 5 years, or been convicted of a misdemeanor in any way related to alcohol or a controlled substance in the past 2 years?
  • Have you ever had a Kentucky alcoholic beverage license suspended, denied, or revoked?
  • Do you currently hold any other Kentucky alcoholic beverage licenses or have any interest in other businesses with Kentucky alcoholic beverage licenses?
  • Is there a second business owner?
  • Licensed Premises Information

  • Does the business hold any other Kentucky alcoholic beverage licenses or have any interest in other businesses with Kentucky alcoholic beverage licenses?
  • Attach a copy of the deed or lease to the premises. The document must fully signed and all attachments must be included (assignments, subleases, etc.).
    Accepted file types: pdf, jpg, jpeg, bmp, gif, png, psp.
  • Are the premises to be licensed located on street level?
  • Is this business acquiring an interest in or purchasing an existing/ongoing business at this premises?
  • Has the premises been licensed to sell alcoholic beverages in the past 12 months?
  • Are the premises currently licensed?
  • Select all that apply.
  • Select all that apply.
  • Select all that apply.
  • Please include any additional information you would like our attorneys to know.
  • Our attorneys may review the information you submit for the purposes described on this website. The use of this form for communication with our firm does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Our review of the information sent to us will not preclude us from representing any other client if confidential information is sent through this form.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.